Greetings Ladies and Gents! It is I, The Shaman of Animation back again with a new installment of Comic Casual. I actually wanted to have one of these out sooner than I did, but we're here now with something more current. In July last year, Sega announced the end of its partnership with Archie, resulting in the cancellation of the Archie Sonic comic series: The longest comic based on a video game character. But you can't keep the blue blur down, his games more than prove that.
Sorry, couldn't help but reach for that low hanging fruit...
Not even a week later, the official Sonic Twitter page announced that IDW would be publishing for a new Sonic Comic; and as the months rolled out we got more information on the new series: Veteran Sonic comic writer Ian Flynn would be returning to the book along with various artists familiar with the hedgehog and that the 1st 4 issues would come out on a weekly basis to help usher in this new era. How do they fare? That's what we're here to find out!