Sunday, February 18, 2018

Black Panther Review

Greetings Ladies and Gents! It is I, The Shaman of Animation back once again with another review. So surprise surprise, I saw Black Panther last night, a movie that Marvel's started planting the seeds for back in 2015's Avengers Age of Ultron and with T'Challa's big screen debut in 2016's Civil War. With this being the first superhero movie in this Post Avengers era of superhero movies we're in starring a black hero with a 99% black cast, AND being released during Black History Month, this was guaranteed money in the bank for Marvel Studios. But is the movie worthy of the hype that it's generated? Let's dive into Black Panther!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Shaman of Animation is a Reject

Greetings Ladies and Gents! It is I, The Shaman of Animation back once again. If you've noticed folks, as we're in the middle of February, things have been mostly quiet on the blog (Although me going through long periods of time without uploading anything is nothing new here). But the reason things have gone slightly hush is because after my last post, I realized I was one post away from 100 published posts on the Shaman of Animation Blog. Since that realization, I've been brainstorming, trying to come up with something special for my 100th post; and I figured what better to have for the 100th post than to give you all an idea of the future for your old Shaman.

If you've followed me these last 3 and a half years, you might've seen or heard me collaborating with the group known as SuperKamiAnime as we've discussed RWBY on their Review Channel or I've done co-commentary on their Let's Play channel KamiCrewGaming. In the last little bit, the group has been undergoing he a rebranding, shedding the Kami titles and going for the new group name: The Outer Rejects.

And as I'm sure you've put together if you've read this far, I will be joining the group as more permanent member. If you're wondering what I'll be doing for the newly Christened Outer Rejects, I will be working on reviews for the review channel and offering co-commentary on The Outer Rejects Let's Play Channel whenever I'm needed.

Where does that leave The Shaman of Animation Blog? No worries! The blog will still be here getting updates when I actually remember to update it. After all, I'll be seeing Black Panther this weekend and I do have plans on putting my thoughts on the film out there. Working with the new group however gives me the opportunity to do stuff that I've had planned for a while, but wouldn't have worked as well on a blog (That is if my fellow rejects will allow me).

But to wrap this up, I'm very eager to see where The Outer Rejects channel will go from here. I wanted to make 2018 a year where I did push myself more creatively, and I see this as a perfect opportunity to do so; and I hope you all follow me and the rest of the group as we begin anew.

That's all for now folks, If you'd be so kind, give The Outer Rejects Let's Play channel and our review Channel a look and subscribe to support us. There's a link to the LP channel above, and I'll leave one for both channels in the description for this post. 

Until Next time everyone, I'm The Shaman of Animation. Thank you for one hundred posts, and I hope the next hundred are just as good.

Take Care...