Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Fantastic Four 2015 trailer: Why the hate?

This reboot is completely your fault

Greetings Ladies and Gents! It is I, The Shaman of Animation back again with a new superhero discussion. Today. I talk about the new Fantastic Four trailer: My feelings on it, and why it got the response it's gotten. Now when it comes to this movie, I had been hearing and reading news on it and it seemed every time new news was dropped, it just kept sounding worse and I simply stopped caring.

Now not all of the news I heard was bad. I was on board with Michael B Jordan as Johnny Storm as I thought he would do a great portrayal of the cocky, showboating Human Torch. The cast was eyebrow raising because of their young appearances and of course the Sue/Johnny controversy, but hey, it'll be fine as long as they stay true to the characters, right?

But when I saw that trailer, it was pretty much everything I feared it was going to be: Dark and gritty. Now I won't get on a soapbox and proclaim I know everything there is to know about the Fantastic Four, quite frankly outside of their names and catchphrases I know nothing. But even I could tell from that trailer that the movie that was being promoted WASN'T the Fantastic Four. It just seemed like a generic movie. It looks like a generic Dark and Gritty superhero reboot and a generic Sci-fi movie. But as I watched the trailer, there was only ONE thing I could put the blame for this on. No, it wasn't Fox, it was one man: Christopher Nolan.

You see, when the Dark Knight came out in 2008, it was praised and loved by critics and audiences everywhere. But most importantly, it made a lot of money. Because of this, the big suits saw this and decided: "Hey! Let's make EVERY Superhero property dark and gritty!" And after that a trend started. Suddenly we saw more comic book mediums that tried to "Push the envelope" and try to copy the Christopher Nolan style without understanding WHY Nolan's Batman movies were loved among fans (I can't judge 'em. Haven't seen them in their entirety...nor do I desire to).

Nolan's Batman films, while they weren't comic book accurate, still stayed true to the core of Batman, and still respected the source material in spite of doing its own thing. That's something that people who are pissed at the fans who don't like the Fantastic Four trailer aren't getting. There's nothing wrong with straying from the source material of a comic book as long as you can tell that it's still the same superhero we know and love, just told in a different way.

Loved it or hated it, you never questioned whether or not The Amazing Spider-man 2 was a Spider-man movie.

If you took The Thing and Johnny Storm's Flame on out of that trailer, could you honestly sit there and tell me that this was a Fantastic Four movie? It's why the fans want the rights to the Four to revert back to Marvel Studios, because they know that they'll at least treat the FF the right way, with respect.

After seeing the FF trailer, I wasn't going to make a post on it because quite frankly, I didn't care. I had no interest in watching it before, I have no interest in watching it after the trailer, and I'm not going to hate watch it because if I don't want something as horrible as this getting sequels, I'm not gonna give it any more attention. This post was quite simply to rationalize all the hatred and why this reboot is indeed bad. If there are any FF fans reading this: If you don't want this reboot getting sequels, don't give it hate tweets, don't go to forums on it, and don't spend your money watching just so you can nitpick it. Bad Publicity is still publicity and you're only helping the movie that way instead of hurting it.

Till next time, I'm the Shaman of Animation saying: PLEASE don't let this film be the one to send Superhero movies back to the Dark Ages

Take Care...

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