Monday, January 19, 2015

Shaman's Fave Four to win the Royal Rumble (2015)

For someone who calls himself The Shaman of Animation, I do a lot of wrestling related sh*t...

Greetings Ladies and Gents! It is I, the Shaman of Animation back with a new wrestling topic! Well, The Royal Rumble is right around the corner, and with the main event being turned into a triple threat match, it gives me more room and ideas for the four superstars who I think have the best shot at winning the Royal Rumble match. Now, these choices are based on what the WWE has laid out as far as story goes, who has the best story heading in to Wrestlemania, and my own personal preferences. So, without further ado, let's kick things off with a bit of a curve ball.

4. Roman Reigns 

I know some of you think I don't deserve to win the Rumble but to those people, F**K YOU!!

Now I know some of you who have read my blog before might bring up my previous wrestling post where I stated that Roman SHOULDN'T win the Royal Rumble. I stand by that word and I still don't want him to win... But let's be realistic, what I want is completely different from what the WWE wants; and we ALL know they want to do big things with Reigns in the future. If we were to look at things from a kayfabe perspective, Roman's been more successful match wise compared to Dean Ambrose when you compare their win to loss record. Plus, you have great scenarios for whoever wins the WWE title match on the PPV. If Seth Rollins wins, you can run with the angle of two former brothers in The Shield who have grown into their own (One's grown more than the other of course) and are now heading into the Wrestlemania main event. John Cena's and Brock Lesnar's scenarios both boil down to the young, hungry, up-and-coming star wanting his shot and he's ready to take it. The scenario would probably work better with Cena since it has been foreshadowed that the two would eventually have a match at some point down the road. Once again, I don't want Reigns to win the rumble, but just because I don't want him to doesn't mean I should rule him out as an option.

3. Dean Ambrose

Unstable and Ready to win a Rumble

Dean Ambrose, is simply great. When he was in the shield, and even when the shield initially broke up, I was among the many fans that thought that Dean Ambrose would have the most trouble finding his niche and connecting with the fans. But, I was proven wrong as Dean is one of the most popular faces in the company at the moment. The unpredictability of his actions have made him so enjoyable to watch on T.V. and this is only assisted with his impressive skills on the mic. He definitely has the character that could be a top guy and main eventer, and that's why I think he has a great chance at winning the Rumble. Not to mention you have two awesome situations if Dean were to win. First off you have the obvious choice and have him take on Seth Rollins. With the way their Hell in a Cell match ended, it's obvious that the story of that feud hasn't ended just yet and Wrestlemania is the perfect stage to bring proper closure to Rollins/Ambrose feud. Now that leaves Brock Lesnar, if you ask me, he's also a great opponent for Dean. I picture their match being something Akin to Undertaker vs. Mankind in a Hell in a Cell. Where you have Brock Lesnar, this unstoppable monster just beating the living hell out of Dean throughout the match, and Dean, being the lunatic we know him as, just keeps coming back for more with a smile. Only unlike Taker and Foley, there won't be a guy falling off a fifty foot high cage...or however tall the cage is. 

2. Dolph Ziggler
I got no catchy phrase for Dolph

Dolph, Dolph, Dolph. For years, fans, myself included, have been saying: "Push Dolph Ziggler!" Or: "This is the year where Dolph Ziggler's gonna get that push!!" Well I say 2015 is the now or never year for Dolph Ziggler. In the latter half of 2014, we've seen a massive upswing in his character. Starting from him winning the Intercontinental Title to his much known Survivor Series victory where he was the sole survivor and of course, he's been recently fired by the Authority. All these things indicate some type of big payoff for Dolph and what better payoff is there than to see Dolph winning the Royal Rumble match; and with his current predicament I know the perfect scenario for him to be in the Rumble match. Now let's say tonight The Authority decides to bring back the members of Team Cena they fired for the Rumble only, and the only way they can get their jobs back for good is if one of them wins the Rumble. Dolph Zigger, continuing the never say die character the WWE has recently built for him, Dolph has been pitted in the number 1-3 spot of the match and has to fight through everyone else and he somehow manages to outlast everyone. Now you have a great pathway set up for Dolph. The Authority, pissed that Dolph actually won, decides to put him in a Ric Flair like situation where every match he's in up to Wrestlemania, he must win or he's fired again; and when it's time for him to face the champ (It can be any champ you prefer really), you have him up the ante by saying if he wins the title, The Authority must bring back the rest of the Team Cena Survivor Series team. And now last, but certainly not least.

1. Daniel Bryan
All I can say is: YES!

Now to some, this choice might be obvious, and in my opinion its the best option the WWE has and it's the one that makes the most sense. Think about it, Daniel Bryan never lost the title in a match. So what better way to go about things than to have the guy who never lost his title come back from a near career ending injury and win the Royal Rumble? But, if Bryan does win, in my opinion, he can't face either Rollins (It'd more or less be a rehash of last year's Wrestlemania build with Bryan taking on The Authority) or Cena (It'd be a rehash of their Summerslam feud). He HAS to face Brock; from a booker's standpoint, it makes sense to me. People love Daniel Bryan because he's the underdog, the guy who against all odds has overcome the obstacles in both his professional and personal life. With that in mind, you pit him against the biggest obstacle the WWE has currently: Brock Lesnar, the guy who conquered the Undertaker's streak and beat the dog doo out of John Cena on Summerslam and conquered both him and Seth Rollins. Plus, with a master of the mic like Paul Heyman, you can build the match up to be about Brock Lesnar and how he's legit hurt people on Wrestlemania and bring up not only the Taker match but bring up Kurt Angle and how he had to get neck surgery after facing Brock on Wrestlemania 19. That way, with Brock built up high into the sky, it'll make Daniel beating him, that much sweeter.

But those are my four picks for the Royal Rumble. If you have anyone that should win, feel free to let me know. Til next time folks, I'm the Shaman of Animation signing off. Take care... 

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