I resist the urge to vomit at calling it the 'Arrowverse'...
Happy New Year (9 days in is remotely new, right?) Ladies and Gents! It is I, The Shaman of Animation back again with some more Superhero talk; and today we're writing Fanfiction! No seriously.
Today's topic has been something that's plagued my mind for a month now, and with the Gotham City Sirens movie recently announced, I need to write it out and get it out of my head; a little while ago, I read that the DC Tv shows have made a billion dollars a year for Warner Bros. These shows include IZombie, Preacher, and Gotham. But also, the CW/Arrowverse which consists of The Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, and Supergirl. This is as opposed to the DCEU and the fact that it's biggest movie (Batman v Superman) struggled to break even in theaters.
Now this post isn't some DCEU bashing, I've done that enough on my various social media accounts. This is just me looking at things as they are currently at face value, who knows what could happen in a year's time. But as is, The DCEU is currently 1 for 3 financially (Counting Man of Steel because it didn't make the money WB wanted it to make) and 0 for 3 critically; and while I don't know how much money the CW Verse is pulling in as a profit, considering TV shows are cheaper to make than most movies it's safe to say that WB is making a pretty penny. Not to mention, they're generally more well received than the movies so far. So, the way I see it, instead of trying to push forward with a movie universe that continues to divide fans, let's go all in and expand on a universe that IS working.
Before the DCEU fans jump down my gullet, I'm not trying to nix everything in the universe. In fact, I want to take everything that DOES work and retrofit it into the Arrowverse, even expand on some (Okay, like maybe just one) ideas they brought to the table. This is just an idea/concept I'm working with so the details aren't hammered out. Sit tight folks, this is my attempt at merging the CW Universe and DCEU, leaving the CW Verse as our DC Cinematic Universe.
Before the DCEU fans jump down my gullet, I'm not trying to nix everything in the universe. In fact, I want to take everything that DOES work and retrofit it into the Arrowverse, even expand on some (Okay, like maybe just one) ideas they brought to the table. This is just an idea/concept I'm working with so the details aren't hammered out. Sit tight folks, this is my attempt at merging the CW Universe and DCEU, leaving the CW Verse as our DC Cinematic Universe.
The second season of the Flash has introduced the multiverse and the fact that there are 52 different universes that coexists with the show's. Supergirl's is one, so whose to say that in those 52 universes, the DCEU isn't one of them? Because of this, it's possible to build up to a gigantic universe changing event: Crisis, a movie that's based on the 1985-1986 comic event, Crisis on Infinite Earths.
Now to those not in the know, Crisis on Infinite Earths was a comic storyline that resulted in the end of the multiverse in the DC Universe and there being one singular Earth to follow, it was pretty much the first reboot DC Comics ever did. Obviously, u can't make the movie the exact same it was in the comic, so you'll have to make some major changes. Essentially, you pretty much X-men: Days of Future Past it in the sense that the comic will only be same in the sense that the movie will only written be like the comic it's based on in name and basic concept alone.
The first inkling I'd make for a hint towards a crisis movie would be in an after credits scene in Justice League. After Steppenwolf and Darkseid have been taken care of. Watching the fight and the formation of the Justice League out in the very far reaches of the universe that the DCEU lives in are two people: The Monitor and Harbringer. They're both impressed with the prowess that the team possesses and The Monitor decides to recruit the team for his army in the upcoming war.
From there, this will roll over into the CWverse at the end of each current season of all the shows (Supergirl Season 2, Flash Season 3, Arrow Season 5, and Legends Season 2); every show wraps up their season very early in the finale and the last 5-10 minutes are spent dealing with Harbringer telling them of the threat to the multiverse, you can even have Cisco vibe the giant threat on The Flash and the Legends run into a shadow demon or some other strange incident that causes a time discrepancy, like mammoths in the present day.
So now, the CW and DCEU heroes have all met together in the Monitor's hideout, where he explains who he is: this being that was created in an experiment that also gave birth to the Multiverse. But as was established in the Flash, there is a doppelganger in the multiverse that looks identical to you. From there, the two monitors spend the first several millennia of their existences just exploring the multiverse, and the doppelganger sees some of the negativity that some of these universes and it corrupts him until one day, he just says 'If these universes are bad, they all must be. Screw it, I'm destroying the multiverse!' Which spawned a war between these two Monitors which dawned several million years before the doppelganger was put into rest.
With the reawakening of the doppelganger, he and his army of shadow demons are now trying to destroy the multiverse a giant wave of energy, antimatter energy if you will. Luckily however, The Monitor planned for the return of 'The Anti-Monitor' (As dubbed by Cisco because of course he'd be the one to name it), and he planted devices that will block the antimatter energy.
The movie from that point on becomes a race against time with our heroes trying to reach and activate each of these devices; of course there'd be fight scenes sprinkled in with the heroes having to do battle with shadow demons they cross along the way. But the shadow demons have a trick up their sleeves: the ability to manipulate and influence others; and they use this ability to manipulate our heroes leading into classic hero vs hero action.
Amongst all the action and destruction, The Anti Monitor actually succeeds in destroying several universes, of these is the DCEU and the CWverse. If you want, you can even throw in some fanservice by showing quick glimpses of the various other shows of DC past that are the destroyed universes (Like Gotham, Birds of Prey, Lois and Smallville) With each destroyed reality, the Anti Monitor's power grows while the Montior's slowly wanes. It's gotten to the point where he has enough strength to pull his trump card: a giant antimatter wave, that'll destroy the entire multiverse in one shot, leaving his universe as the only remaining one.
The heroes all head to the antimatter universe to make one last stand and save all their homes, They have to do battle with not just the Anti-Monitor, but also a giant shadow demon fused from all the demons in his possession. The battle gets even worse when one of the heroes fighting gets killed (Let's just say it was Sara from Arrow/LOT in this case). Throughout the fighting and the struggles, they eventually defeat the Anti Montior and stop his machine. As victory is seemingly in the grasp of our heroes, the Anti-Monitor pulls once last trick: a self-destruct sequence on his machine that will destroy his entire universe and kill all of them (and yes, it is a giant beam of light like 1 in every three superhero movies) and it has such a reach that even if it they used a ship to fly away, they couldn't get away in time.
And so much like in the first episode of The Flash, Both Flashes (Grant Gustin and Ezra Miller) run as fast as they can to siphon off the machine's energy. But, they're not alone as Wally, Supergirl and both Supermen (Henry Cavil and Tyler Hoechlin) fly after them to help. Their combined efforts work, but it can't fully stop the machine, meaning that no matter what happens, that machine is going to go off. The Monitor can get the heroes to safety two people will have to stay to keep the machine's effects to a minimum. Barry (Gustin) and Superman (Cavil) both decide to bite the bullet. Before they leave, Cavil gives Hoechlin's Superman and Supergirl his blessings, saying that he's happy that in one universe he's found inner peace and happiness and to hold on to what he cherishes most. Meanwhile Barry has one final heart to heart with Wally, telling him to take care of Iris and Joe. This is before the Super cousins forcefully take Wally away (Because there's no way Wally's leaving him on his own).
With all that's happened, the heroes take time to reflect on what happened and with the deed they've done, and the Monitor (with Harbringer's help) decides to create a new reality, and a new universe for all the surviving heroes to live in together, not before mind wiping the DCEU guys except Ezra's Flash. The only reason why he, along with the rest of the CW heroes is because, to borrow something from DC Rebirth is because Harbringer had been watching their Earth along with many others and she tells him how much warmer, how much more love is in their universe, that theirs more than others, is one that gives hope, something he thinks the DCEU guys need; and after their lost, they need it now more than ever; and just from looking at him and their reaction to his death, their Barry was the heart and soul of their universe and that it'd be wrong to try and fill that void that's gone now with Ezra.
And the movie ends with All the heroes living together now. Supergirl and Superman are no longer in their own dimension but with the main cast now, BatFleck and a lot of other DCEU guys are in the Arrowverse; and Team Flash has to deal with the lost of their Barry. The world is very similar but in a lot of ways, very different, something I wish to explore in a completely different post.
And there you have it guys! My idea as to how to merger the CWverse and the DCEU. This post may cause for some controversy as both universes have their fans and their critics, but again, this idea of mine is just me taking what's successful between both and combining them into something that'll hopefully make money.
Stick around folks, because I do plan on having a follow up as to what you can do for Tv shows and movies now with this new status quo.
Til then, I'm The Shaman of Animation.
Take Care...
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