Greetings Ladies and Gents! It is I, The Shaman of Animation back again with a new discussion topic. People, I am a fan of the series Celebrity Deathmatch. The idea of celebrities of today and yesterday fighting each other to the death in an over the top claymation show has entertained me so. I won't say I've watched the show since the beginning, but its sixth season in 2006 made me a fan. So when a couple of months ago, the folks at MTV announced they were bringing the show back, I was very excited of the possible match ups for the show now with so much insanity in Hollywood nowadays. So much so that I came up with a list of personal face offs that I would love to see on the show in its newest incarnation.
First up: Justin Bieber vs Jaden Smith
This is a Celebrity Deathmatch Dream Match for me. You have Justin Bieber, a guy who has received the internet's spite and hatred since day one and is admittedly a bit of a douche himself. Then you have Jaden Smith, the son of Will Smith, a guy who people think has a silver spoon in his mouth and is just a kid who isn't even a sixteenth as talented as his parents. And as far as I know, these two are very good friends and have worked together on songs and live performances, so of course the right thing to do when two people like this is have them fight to the death!
Next on The List: Lebron James vs Michael Jordan
Is Lebron James better than Michael Jordan? That's a question Basketball fans everywhere have at least thought about once. And while the answer to that question will never be answered, it makes for a good deathmatch. I'm sure that these two players' career choices both on and off the court (What with Lebron James jumping teams and MJ Jumping different sports along with other things) will make for a very comedic and entertaining deathmatch.
Number Three: Kanye West vs Ray-J
Ray-J was the guy that hit it first, but Kanye was the one that put a ring (and a baby) on it (and in her). There will be two things that fuels this deathmatch: Kanye's ego, and Ray-J's irrelevance. As a matter of fact, my pitch for this would be that Ray-J, in a desperate ploy to get some buzz behind his name again, challenges Kanye to a deathmatch and Kanye, with his holier than thou attitude, accepts and spends the whole match belittling Ray-J while talking about how awesome he is and how much smarter he is than Ray-J; and of course, you have to throw in your references to Kim Kardashian in there.
Numero Quatro: Law & Order SVU vs NCIS

These are two of the most well known Police Procedural shows on television and the first two that come to minds of people when they think of crime drama shows. Having the cast of these shows go head to head and duking it out in an all out battle royal to the death for supremacy.
Up Next: Angelina Jolie vs Jennifer Aniston
One's married to Brad Pitt and the other dated him...yeah, that's the only reason I have for those two to fight. What? I never said all of the reasons for some of the fights in this list would be good...
Next we have: Stephenie Meyer vs E.L James
Two of the most infamous authors in recent years: The writer of Twilight vs The Author of Fifty Shades of Grey. This match would have a big backstory to it. Fifty Shades of Grey was born from Twilight Fan Fiction. Not only that, but Stephenie Meyer slams it as smutty. This brings some tension between the two and will be the driving force between that causes the deathmatch between them.
Next: Taylor Swift vs Jennifer Lawrence
These two are very loved among the world and are considered to be the Sweethearts of America because of their more down to Earth personality. So what better way to bring out the ugly in these girls than to have them try to fight each other to death? Of course with this one you could play up the angle that they're so nice that they wouldn't fight each other.
Next on this is actually a doozy: A Superhero Smackdown episode
Of COURSE I had to bring it back to comics and superheroes...
Ladies and Gents, movies and television shows based off of superhero properties have become very huge these last ten years and to put it simply, the folks at CDM would be silly to not cash in on the success of this fact. You could do a full episode based off of stars that have been in Superhero shows and movies, especially with the reboots of certain properties, you can really cash in. One episode you can bring back the deathmatch time machine and have Christopher Reeve, Brandon Routh, and Henry Cavill vs Dean Cain, Tom Welling, and George Reeves in a Superman movie vs Television Free For All! That's not all, you can think of plenty others: Tobey Maguire vs Andrew Garfield, Michael Keaton vs Christian Bale vs Ben Affleck (Adam West shows up out of nowhere and kills them all). Using Movies and T.V. Shows based off superheroes really make the possibilities endless.
Next is: Matt Groening vs Seth MacFarlane
The creator of The Simpsons and Futurama taking on the creator of Family Guy and American Dad. These two's flagship shows had a crossover last year. I think it'd be cool to see the beef that fans of these two have with one another spark back to life by having these two cartoon creators go at it in the show.
And my final dream Death Match: Chris Brown vs Rihanna
Yes, I am fully aware that I am a horrible piece of trash for wanting to see this.
This is a match that if Celebrity Deathmatch EVER came back, that I'd want to see the most. The history between Chris and Rihanna (Including all of the tabloids, all of the controversy, all of the off again, on again stuff) I want Celebrity DeathMatch to be take all of that and sort of let that be the end all be all of those two and all of the drama surrounding those two. I kind of want all the dirt between them to come up in this death match. And I think it'd be pretty funny if Chris Brown was kind of the villain in this fight not because of what he's done to Rihanna but also for some of the other controversy that's surrounded him. If CDM actually pulls the trigger on this fight then it might be the best of all time...or at least my personal favorite.
But that's all I have to say on this topic, if there are any match ups that you'd love to see in Celebrity Deathmatch, let me know.
Til next time Folks, I'm The Shaman of Animation saying: Good Fight, Good Night!
Take Care...
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