Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Kingdom Hearts 3 Gameplay Breakdown/Discussion

This. This is going to be my new wallpaper on my laptop...at least until, the official photo of KH3 shows up...

Greetings Ladies and Gents! It is I, The Shaman of Animation back again with a new discussion. In 2013, the folks at Square Enix shocked the world at E3 when they announced that the long awaited Kingdom Hearts 3 was FINALLY in development. since the announcement though, word on the game has been mostly scarce. Sure we've had a few small mentions in interviews and there was the footage of the gameplay back at D23 Expo Japan, plus a very small snippet at the end of the Kingdom Hearts 2.5 trailer.

But other than that, there hasn't been much info or much other footage in the last two years. BUT today at their admittedly boring conference, the people at Square Enix were kind enough to give fans brand new footage of Kingdom Hearts 3 and the gameplay. So we're here to discuss this new bit of news!

The trailer starts off with whom I'm assuming are a younger Xehanort and Eraqus discussing of the Keyblade War and the old masters that started them all while they are playing a game of chess. We then cut to Sora still in his garbs from Kingdom Hearts 2 in a brand new environment. He's hopping over some rocks and stumps and he's about to take on some of the new heartless that are introduced. These enemies seem to be some type of weather enemies as water bubbles form over them and they create a cloud that hangs over Sora's head. We get some more footage of Sora exploring the new landscape and him taking on enemies. Then we see another new group of Heartless (They're sort of like Bulls) rushing the gang which causes Goofy to jump in front of Sora and Donald and a light shoots out of Goofy's shield, stunning the heartless before all three of them rush at them with some type of fire charge attack. I'm guessing the new attack is some kind of limit attack with Goofy or it could be a brand new Trinity Limit. Either or honestly.

The next sequence is of Sora scaling a mountain as he's preparing to take on the Rock Titan. Two very big things of note is that one: From the way Sora's running up the mountain and The Titan itself it appears the Flowmotion mechanic that was introduced in Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance will be in fact coming back in KH3 and two: Sora summons one of the Disneyland rides to fight the titan as we saw in the D23 footage.

Next up is quite possible the two biggest bits of info we have in regards of KH3. First up, a nice close up of Sora's sweet new outfit in the game (which is right at the top as you can see); and his hairstyle is a tad different from the previous games. The next thing to note is the tower that Sora is standing right across from. The second thing is the tower that Sora is standing right across. Disney fanatics will be quick to point out that this tower was indeed Rapunzel's tower from the movie Tangled.

This confirms that Tangled will indeed be one of the worlds that Sora and the gang will be exploring in KH3.
More heartless show up and it's from this point in the trailer, where Sora.Goes.Apesh*t. on EVERYONE. Here we get to see some more of the keyblade transformations we saw in the D23 footage. As we already knew, Sora's rocking some new dual pistols.

King Kong..ain't got SH*T ON HIM!!!

He lights up all the heartless there and then he transforms the two pistols into a giant bazooka that certainly spells doom to whoever crosses him, then we see him summon a giant boat ride (no doubt another Disneyland ride) he summons teacups to kills heartless, and he transforms the keyblade into this giant Pegasus chariot that rains down upon the heartless. And the trailer ends with young Xehanort and young Eraqus wrapping up their conversation.

Overall, the Kingdom Hearts gameplay footage is simply...insanity. This does seem to be the biggest Kingdom Hearts game quite possibly ever with the insane amount of combat that's displayed in it; and that's not even taking summons and drive forms into consideration. Kingdom Hearts 3 is showing to be the most ambitious game in the series yet and this footage makes me want the game that much more!

Til next time folks, I'm The Shaman of Animation. Take Care...

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